Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Dollar Menu

What if you could take a pig and turn it into a human? What if by some means you could do that? Example: You take a pig. A pig on a farm would eat leftovers or whatever it was given. Now take that pig that eats filth and turn it into a man. Now take 2 plates. 1 plate filled with the filth it used to eat as a pig. The 2nd with fine cuisine from a fancy restaurant. Which would it eat? Plate 1. Why? Yes the pig was turned into a human, but it still retain it's behavior as a pig. What now? This pig turned human will eat the filth over and over again. Then...die. It's body is no longer that of a pig so it's body can't breakdown the filth and gain necessary nutrients needed to live on.

We were like that pig; but we've become a new being. We are no longer the mess we were before. We've been given a new way to be human. We can no longer eat from what this world has to offer. If we do, we will die and return to the dirt that we came from. We have to dine on the heavenly food given to us by our Father. What food is that you may be wondering? It's elementary my dear reader. Prayer, Reading the Bible, Fasting, and things like that. So let's stop eating that cheap food from the dollar menu of the world and let's eat that fine meal made for us instead.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV) 

**I didn't come up with this thought, someone told my brother (Probably our Pastor) and then my brother used it during Bible Study a while ago and it was stuck in my noggin so I decided to share this thought in my own way**

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